Dance/Movement Therapy


Healing Through Dance/Movement Therapy: A Somatic Approach

Life often presents us with challenges that words alone can't express. At Balanced Life Movement, we offer Dance/Movement Therapy (DMT), a unique path to healing, self-discovery, and a more balanced, fulfilling life —whether you're feeling burdened by heavy emotions or simply curious about trying a new modality that enhances the connection between your body and mind.

What is Dance/Movement Therapy (DMT)?

DMT is a form of psychotherapy that harnesses the power of movement and dance to enhance emotional, social, cognitive, and physical integration. It recognizes movement as a language, a vital means of expressing and processing emotions that goes beyond verbal communication.

DMT operates on core premises grounded in somatic healing:

  • Language of Movement: Movement serves as a fundamental form of nonverbal communication.

  • Mind-Body-Spirit Connection: DMT acknowledges the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, promoting self-awareness and transformation.

  • Functional and Expressive Movement: Dance Therapists utilize movement to assess and intervene in clients' emotional well-being, embracing a holistic, somatic approach.

  • Holistic and Creative: DMT blends creativity, movement, and mindfulness to facilitate somatic healing, incorporating artistic expression and imaginative techniques.

  • Evidence-Based: Grounded in scientific research, DMT is an evidence-based practice for emotional well-being.

Proven Effects of Dance/Movement Therapy:

Through extensive research and practice, DMT has demonstrated a wide range of proven effects that encompass the mind, body, and spirit. These effects extend beyond traditional therapy and open up new dimensions of self-expression, personal growth, and holistic well-being. They include:

  • Moving your body changes your mind: Dance/movement therapy offers a wide spectrum of clinically proven health advantages, effectively enhancing aspects such as body image, self-esteem, concentration, attentiveness, mood regulation, interpersonal skills, and self-awareness.

  • Accessing the Root of Trauma: body awareness and regaining a felt sense of safety helps us access an internal source of wisdom that guides the healing process for complex PTSD.

  • Non-Verbal Meaning-Making: DMT enhances communication, emotion expression, and self-regulation, facilitating social interaction

  • Embodiment: Clients engage in activities, exercise agency, develop self-efficacy, and access constructive resources for transformation.

  • Creation: DMT encourages generativity and productivity, enabling clients to explore their creative potential.

Your Team of Skilled Therapists

At Balanced Life Movement, our DMT practitioners are not only compassionate and dedicated but also highly trained and credentialed. They hold advanced degrees (Master's level) in Dance/Movement Therapy (DMT) and are Board Certified (the highest level of credentialing) in DMT. This level of expertise ensures that you receive the most comprehensive and effective DMT sessions tailored to your unique somatic needs.

Getting Started

If you're ready to start your journey toward healing, self-discovery, and balance, our dedicated and highly skilled DMT practitioners are here to guide you. Contact us to schedule a session and take your first step toward a more fulfilling and balanced life.