Art Therapy


Healing Through Art Therapy: Transforming Trauma and Anxiety

At Balanced Life Movement, we understand that life's challenges can leave you feeling drained and overwhelmed. Anxiety, instability, and that sense of being "stuck" have plagued you for far too long.  Our approach seamlessly blends Art Therapy with Somatic Healing practices—an innovative path to healing that harnesses the power of your creativity and the mind-body connection. This unique combination has the ability to address trauma, anxiety, depression, and a range of emotional challenges.

What is Art Therapy?

Art Therapy is a dynamic approach to healing that uses creativity as a tool for self-discovery, emotional exploration, and overall well-being. It taps into the mind's ability to communicate and process emotions visually and non-verbally, making it particularly effective for individuals who find it challenging to express their feelings through words alone. The process of creating art is inherently calming, grounding, and enjoyable. You’ll be exposed to various creative mediums and tools like painting and drawing, sculpture and clay, music and sound, and more.

Art therapy is effective for individuals dealing with a range of vulnerabilities, such as:

  • Anxiety: Art therapy provides a non-verbal way to manage anxiety, offering relaxation and emotional release.

  • Depression: Art Therapy helps individuals express their emotions, providing a sense of accomplishment and improving self-esteem.

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Art therapy can be a crucial part of trauma recovery, allowing individuals to process and release traumatic memories and emotions.

Our Holistic Approach: Body, Mind, Creativity

Our approach seamlessly blends the transformative power of Art Therapy with the grounding qualities of Somatic Healing. Somatic Healing involves practices that engage the body, such as mindful breathing, gentle movement, and body awareness exercises. These practices help you connect with the physical sensations associated with your emotions, allowing for a deeper understanding and release of stored tension and distress. By combining the creative processes of Art Therapy and body-centered practices of Somatic Healing, we unlock your innate capacity to heal and transform. 

Skilled and Compassionate Therapists

Our therapists are skilled mental health clinicians with over 10 years of experience, a master of science degree in Art Therapy, and further credentialing in anxiety and trauma disorders. In our sessions, we seamlessly blend various creative arts therapy modalities, ensuring a holistic approach to your well-being that tends to your emotional and physical symptoms and needs.

Ready to try Art Therapy? 

This is not just about creating art; it's a journey into your self-discovery, emotional exploration, and profound healing from within. If you're ready to begin this path, our dedicated art therapists are here to guide you. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.